8 Main Causes of Low Back Pain

Pain in the lower back affects approximately 80% of the population at some point in their lives. It can range from minor to severe and can affect a person’s ability to participate in and enjoy daily activities.
Back pain can be divided into two categories according to its duration. Acute back pain refers to a condition that develops rapidly and is frequently triggered by a single event, such as an injury. It typically lasts less than four weeks. Back pain with a duration of more than three months is considered chronic.
Why Do I Have Pain in My Lower Back?
Experiencing discomfort in the lower back could be the result of different injuries, diseases, or disorders. Below are 8 common root causes of lower back pain.
1. Bulging or ruptured disks
The bones that make up the spine are called vertebrae. In between each of these bones is a cushioning material called a disk. It is possible for disks to bulge out of their position, which can put pressure on the nerves in the area. They are also susceptible to tearing or herniating. A condition called degenerative disk disease might develop if the disks get flatter as a natural consequence of aging.
2. Sprains and strains of muscles or ligaments
The majority of people who experience lower back discomfort have it because of a strain or sprain. Back muscles and spinal ligaments can be strained when moving heavy objects or during sudden movements like twisting or bending. When muscles are overworked, they risk becoming overstretched and even damaged.
3. Sciatica
The sciatic nerve originates in the lower back, travels through the hip and buttock region, and down each leg. Pain along this nerve’s path is called sciatica. Sciatic pain often affects just one side of the body.
When a herniated disk, bone spur, or spinal stenosis compresses a nerve, the result is sciatica. This leads to swelling, pain, and sometimes numbness in the affected leg.
4. Arthritis
Wear and tear is often the cause of osteoarthritis, which can happen itself in the lumbar (lower back) spine. The cartilage that normally lines the spaces between the joints gradually deteriorates, which can cause inflammation and pain. When arthritis affects the spine, the area surrounding the spinal cord may become more constricted. Spinal stenosis is the medical term for this ailment.
5. Fractures
Accidents and injuries can lead to the vertebrae in the spine becoming fractured. Fractures of the spine can be extremely painful and can be caused by conditions such as osteoporosis and spondylolysis, both of which cause the bones of the spine to become brittle.
6. Spinal stenosis
Spinal stenosis is characterized by a narrowing of the space around the spinal cord, which results in pressure being applied to the cord as well as the spinal nerves. The most common reason for spinal stenosis is osteoarthritis, which is a degenerative joint disease that is caused by the gradual wearing down of joints over time.
7. Scoliosis
Low back pain could be caused by scoliosis, which is an abnormal curvature of the spine. Scoliosis can occur with age, but is most frequently found in adolescents. If there is pressure on the nerves in the legs, symptoms such as pain, weakness, or numbness may occur.
8. Illnesses and disease
While lower back pain is often caused by conditions affecting the spine and its nerves, there are a number of medical conditions that can be the source of pain. These include cancer, infections, kidney stones, or having an aneurism in an artery in the lower back. There is a possibility that some of these could have extremely serious effects.
People who have a vascular or arterial illness, a history of cancer in their family, or persistent discomfort regardless of their activity level are strongly encouraged to schedule a consultation with a medical professional to rule out these types of conditions.
Do you feel burdened by your low back pain? Don’t suffer any longer- Schedule an appointment today!